
June 22, 2011

interview PPT n27

hari ni aku de interview gomen utk PPT a.k.a Pen.Pegawai Tadbir...mmm...grade utk diploma...actually choice aku yg terakhir dlm 5pilihan this is 1st time im attend the gov point of view is really strict n skema...1st kene cek details+documents+cert...kene susun elok2...mmm...its take about 1hr in registration section...bored...
so my turn is 4010...huh!...damn long...lg yg meyayat hati org 1st baru start interview kol 9am...damn! -+x/ my turn is on 12.45pm!!...oh mann...thats what we call gomen...huhu
cite psl sok lan dia kan...dia tanya aku 'apa yg awak tau ttg 1Malaysia'...hahahha...nk je aku jwb '1Malaysia tau kak linda dh putus ngn fahrin'...mau aku kene penampar...punye la pengaruh JOZAN dlm diri aku pn start cite kari aku...pung pang pung pang...hbs...then interviewer tu kate aku sorang je paling tinggi position skang ni...kire overqualified la...myb x dpt kot...
at least aku de xperience g interview bile org tnya aku tau la nk jwb pe nnt...

psl dorng la aku de intention nk jwb mcm tu...wakakakakkakaa

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