1. Match invoices n DO's---->damn a lot like hell
2. Filling---->too bored to do
3. Sorting n distribute all damn staff
4. Key in and key in again
5. Kene marah for the jobs yg aku xtau menahu pun asal usul dr langit mana dia dtg
6. Racist of course!
But a lot experience yg aku dpt...like:
1. Work like a damn stress and under pressure
2. Communicate with a lot crazy people yg tibe2 nk marah aku
3. Invoice sume tu pejam mata aku dh bole buat,key in apatah lagi...huhuhuhu
4. Knowing people with different kind n attitude...
Lastly, keje nie mcm2 bg aku pengalaman n bende2 yg pelik yg sometimes buat aku heppie n stress...nk x nk terpaksa gak facing everyday...so my motivation of the day...go happy as long as u can...