nk sambung kesinambungan dr cite
part I...mommy nk cite lps dr break ngn daddy tu...we all x contact each other...mommy ngn hala tuju mommy,daddy xtau la mcm mn...mommy pon kapel ngn org leh...budak sekolah teknik ms tu...kebetulan nama dia pon sebijik sama ngn daddy...waaaaa...saje je kan nk bg ingt kat daddy...tap mommy ngn dak tu pon x lama...sbb mommy xleh lupekan daddy...ujung mommy form 4 we all break...
punah ranah jugak la hati dak laki tu...sian mommy tgk...jahat plak rasanye...then ms we all form 5 mommy n daddy jumpe balik...then kapel la balik...kali ni bahana cinta we all ya ammmpuuunnnn...hangat la sgt...xtau nk ckp...dh besar kan...ms ni daddy dh matured sket..daddy dh pandai amik ati mommy...selalu bg mommy present n macam2...mommy dh x mcm dulu yg terkejar2 ngn daddy...hehehehe...suke plak..
then ms tahun ujunng 2003...we all break lgi...kali ni mmg mommy plak dh xde hati kat daddy...xtau la nape...sedih jugak daddy ms ni...ms tu mommy blaja kat poli Johor...tap daddy mcm cool bile mommy nk break...sampai la tahun 2005 we all jumpe balik...tap ms ni nk kate kapel we all x declare pn apa cume daddy selalu kol mommy...amik berat psl mommy...kali ni jiwe dh mcm org dewasa...mommy pon rs yg sm mcm daddy...cume we all mcm sndri2 paham xde nk luah kan dgn kate2...sume mcm ayat2 kiasan je...tap masing2 tau masing2 has feeling to each other....hehehehe....malu kot...poyo je...
suddenly,daddy dh jarang kol2 mommy...bile mommy kol pon dia buat dek je...then bile mommy siasat daddy de someone else...time ni baru mommy rs
what is heartbroken...pecah habis la..nk cantum pn xleh sbb xnmpak...meroyan pon de...last skali mommy redha ngn perpisahan tu...ms tu mommy blaja kat USM...akhir tahun 2007...frust tertonggeng mcm apa ntah...pasrah la ketentuan...mommy teruskn life mommy....bak kate pepatah
'life is KARMA'...
but in end of 2009...suddenly one night mommy dpt 1 mesej tulis 'hi,apa khabar?'...its from ur daddy...its been a long time we not contact each other n see each other suddenly mommy got that massage...start dr situ we all keep massaging each other...untill one day daddy ask me out on
3/1/2010 i still remember that day...ms tu Tuhan je yg tau...nerves gile...mcm 1st time jumpe...ckap pon tergagap2..xtau nk ckp pe...makan n minum pon malu2 taik kucing....klaka gile...bile daddy nk anta mommy balik ms tuh...daddy ask me one question...'jom kite kawen'...saaaaaappppppppppp...mcm de anak panah qupid tercucuk kat jantung...then mommy said...'jom'...selang 2-3 hari terus daddy nye family dtg merisik...
then till now...thats the story how i meet ur daddy...perjalanan we all that almost
17years we together..share everything...bad or good...happy or sad...healthy or sick...luck or unluck...we all terime each other seadanye...maybe this what we call JODOH...he is the 1st and insyallah the last man in my life...love ur daddy unconditionally...
poyo laaa...huhu |
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